Monday, April 28, 2008


STAGE 新加坡!!

Stage Hyaline of World (世界透明舞台) 简称 STAGE是由台湾著名艺人小猪罗志祥与伙伴们于2006年正式成立。
这个名字是从小猪的英文名 SHOW 延伸出来。 意思是每个人不管是成就多少,身份高低,年龄大小都要在自己的人生或工作的舞台上全力的付出,人人都是主角!


stage 新加坡的网站也在短短两天内就被挤爆了!
新网页将会在5月初重新启动, 暂时我会先用这里公布stage会推出的单品。

stage 会在隔周的星期六推出新品,我也会在星期四公布新品!
想要买限量商品的朋友就一定要在星期六赶快下去买哦,不然可能会卖光或没有你的size. :)

因为STAGE是不允许拍照的,加上之前的内部照片被人盗用,所以我把照片移除了~~ 请多多包含~~ 不过有一个好消息!!

就是新加坡STAGE内部设计会有些小更动!因为之前集思广益,吸取了不少的建言,所以会在一些细节上作处理! 请拭目以待啦!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mini Home Decor Episode 7

YEah finally it is the last episode of Mini Home Decor!!

Coz i am sort of like running out of idea le la~~


anyway我又拿到女孩子的主题了。。。。 花仙子,海滩,海底世界到......


妹妹家有一个还不错的床哦~~ 可是为了比赛,拆!
我将计就计 就做一个超!!!!粉红的房间吧!! 把评审甜到吐! 哈哈~
My designer is Elain from NAFA~ SHe and her frends drew a window scenery.. look great isnt it!

The kids DIY (with the help of Uncle Soh) DIY this ROSE Mirror!! THis is Priceless!

Our theme for this week focus on 3 things, CROWN, LACE and ROSE~~

公主就是要华丽!有feel 了吗?

MY DIY for this week!! Took me lots of time~~ the Draping on the ceiling! This is the first time i am doing it and glad that it turns out well! yeah 77.5 pts!! Manage to keep all the funiture!
Mini Home Decor Episode 5

YEs!! i am back! I have been rather tight with time for the PAST fews weeks~~ though a bit late but it is better than never right :)

Ok this week's theme is Underwater Castle~~ The Kids room is as usual stuffed with lots of things~~ lets see wat can we do this week~~

A big thank u to my designer Joanne.. She is really good at drawing!! THis is our design layout.

Tata! The underwater castle painted by my designer and Co. They did a wonderful job! The Castle is a blend of 2 D painting and 3 D shelf... It just looks great!

My DIY for this week is the Dolphine~~ U can actually get all kinds of beads to achieve this effect! I wanan do a pair but due to time constraint i am not able to do one more dolphine~~

We also DIY the treasure box and make this area the the play corner for the kids to cosplay~~

We scored exactly 70 marks and manage to keep all the furniture! Heng ah~~~
The judges think that our underwater element is not strong enuff.... arhh... only if we
have more time... we wld like to draw schools of fish though..