Thursday, August 02, 2007


Finally after 6 years of waiting... i get to see my SUPER IDOL JAy CHOU!!!!!!!

I was super duper nervous... and i cant believe my eyes when he was just sitting right in front of him like less than a metre...

It was also once in many times that 933 studio is packed with sooo many ppl. The last time i think is Andy Lau when Jia Hui and i were interviewing him...

难得的合照,我紧张到连笑容都是僵硬的 :P

顺道一提,桂纶镁真的非常漂亮,很有气质。在他超龄的外表下,还散发出一种贵族的气息。我想这就是杰伦欣赏他的原因之一吧。 真想不到他还小我一岁!